UPDATE 25/08/15
Colin Fry has died - Read more at http://www.badpsychics.com/2015/08/colin-fry-dead.html
UPDATE 22/04/15:
I spoke directly to Colin Fry whereby I put a lot of the points I made below to him straight, I spoke in depth with him. I am getting a lot of abuse for what I have wrote below, which is to be expected, however I want to quote Colin directly.
"I have no fear of death what so ever" - Colin Fry
He said that directly to me, he does not consider himself to be dying in the same way perhaps I would. Therefore although my comments below seem harsh, if you are a true believer/spiritualist, then you should have no problem with discussing death, or taking peoples opinions about what you should do before you die, however harsh they may sound. I would never say anything unless I was prepared to say them directly to Colin, which I did. So the more abuse you send me, the more you prove that deep down you do not truly believe. I stand by everything I say below, and if you don't agree, there are two things you can do about. 1. Nothing - 2. Like it. - Jon Donnis
On Colin Frys website, earlier today a post was made revealing that Colin has been diagnosed with Terminal Lung Cancer.
He has also revealed he will continue touring as "the show must go on".
I have emailed Colin personally but I also wanted to say a few things in public as well.
Over the years I have exposed Colin Fry as a fraud, I have dissected his readings, exposed his stage shows, dug up old stories of him getting caught cheating in a seance. You name it I have done it.
I exposed Colin as it was the right thing to do since he was in my opinion doing a bad thing and I wanted as many people to know the truth as could tell.
However cancer is a terrible disease, I have lost many close relatives to this disease, so I know first hand how horrible it can be.
But one thing in Colins statement really disappointed me, the whole "the show must go on" thing.
Colin you have time to make things right, you have time to clear your conscience, to die a honest man. Mortality is man's greatest fear, but it can also bring out the strength in us all.
It wasn't spirit that told you you had cancer, it was doctors. It isn't Reiki or spiritual healing that will help you deal with the pain, or help you live that little bit longer, it's science. Medicine will take away the pain and help you cope.
If you do not come clean now, while you can, then your name will forever be sullied and used by others. Every fake psychic Tom, Dick and Harry will claim to be in contact with you, and claim to pass on your message, and you know it will all be a lie.
Whether you have true faith in an afterlife or not, doesn't matter, what does matter is dying with dignity, and allowing those around you to get away from this disgusting business of spiritualism.
I want you to fight every day Colin, fight to live longer, but fight for right, fight for honesty, speak out against those you know are frauds, hell what can they do? NOTHING.
You truly have nothing to lose now, and everything to gain.
Don't die a villain, Die reformed, Die honest. There's still time.
Tell the truth die a hero.
Jon Donnis
You can read the press release from Colin Fry at the link below.
Read the release here

Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
22 April 2015
9 April 2015
Scariest Places Season 1 Episodes 1 & 2
Scariest Places Episode 1 - Victoria Inn Chester
Join Annette Pielding, Merrick Alora, Simon Healy, Carl BT, Chris O'Beef and Dick Feelit for a spine tingling ghost investigation at The Victoria Inn Chester.
What will the team discover after spending the whole night in a pub full of spirits.
The Scariest Places team venture to Derbyshire for a 24 hour investigation with Richard Felix, owner of Derby Gaol. Will they come across genuine phenomillies? or will it be an unexpected surprise...
For more info on Scariest places check out
Written by Tim Benge
Co Written by
Michael D Roberts
Kevin Fowler
Phil Woods
Directed by
Michael D Roberts
Produced by
Adam Blackburn
Twitter: @takethecakepro @michaeldroberts @MerrickAlora @SimonSPHealy @AnnettePielding
3 April 2015
Psychic Joe Power - Exposed
Classic example of Joe Power getting caught out.
Look up these links too.
Paul Zenon lecture about psychics
Derren Brown Investigates Joe Power
Derren Brown website
Paul Zenon website
28 March 2015
Review: Psychic Sally Morgan failed to see my disappointment
The following review was put up on "The Star" website and I thought I would share it hear as it amused me.
Was you at this show? Did you hear what the woman said when she came back from the toilets?
The Psychic Sally on the Road 2015 tour visited Doncaster - and turned into a bit of a car crash.
When I heard Sally Morgan was coming to the Doncaster Dome, I was very excited.
Having seen her at the same venue a few years ago, she had not just been entertaining but also very accurate, so it surely promised to be a great night out.
While helpful staff showed us to our seats, I looked around the venue and it was obvious that many people were looking forward to the night’s event.
Sitting back, I took a minute to soak in the atmosphere, a mixture of excitement, expectation, and hope.
Sally took to the stage and explained a little about what she did and then began by giving a name of a person in spirit.
People were looking around wondering who the fortunate person was, but it seemed no one knew the spirit who had come to say hello.
This seemed to be the mantra of most of the evening. Many names, dates and other details were given, but for the most part, things were not very accurate.
I wondered if mediums have off nights, because Sally Morgan was definitely having one tonight.
It was the total opposite from the last time I saw her.
The highlight of the evening came from a young woman in the audience who had her “message of love” picked out while she had decided to go to powder her nose. She returned to her seat to rapturous applause.
She told Sally that while in the ladies, as she looked into the mirror, she thought about her granddad who had passed away and what a lot of rubbish (not quite the words she used) this was.
It certainly made everyone laugh, but was it her granddad giving her a sign or was it just coincidence?
One thing I am sure of however is that I was not the only person going home somewhat disappointed.
By Diana Foster
Source: http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/review-psychic-sally-failed-to-see-my-disappointment-1-7180036
Was you at this show? Did you hear what the woman said when she came back from the toilets?
The Psychic Sally on the Road 2015 tour visited Doncaster - and turned into a bit of a car crash.
When I heard Sally Morgan was coming to the Doncaster Dome, I was very excited.
Having seen her at the same venue a few years ago, she had not just been entertaining but also very accurate, so it surely promised to be a great night out.
While helpful staff showed us to our seats, I looked around the venue and it was obvious that many people were looking forward to the night’s event.
Sitting back, I took a minute to soak in the atmosphere, a mixture of excitement, expectation, and hope.
Sally took to the stage and explained a little about what she did and then began by giving a name of a person in spirit.
People were looking around wondering who the fortunate person was, but it seemed no one knew the spirit who had come to say hello.
This seemed to be the mantra of most of the evening. Many names, dates and other details were given, but for the most part, things were not very accurate.
I wondered if mediums have off nights, because Sally Morgan was definitely having one tonight.
It was the total opposite from the last time I saw her.
The highlight of the evening came from a young woman in the audience who had her “message of love” picked out while she had decided to go to powder her nose. She returned to her seat to rapturous applause.
She told Sally that while in the ladies, as she looked into the mirror, she thought about her granddad who had passed away and what a lot of rubbish (not quite the words she used) this was.
It certainly made everyone laugh, but was it her granddad giving her a sign or was it just coincidence?
One thing I am sure of however is that I was not the only person going home somewhat disappointed.
By Diana Foster
Source: http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/review-psychic-sally-failed-to-see-my-disappointment-1-7180036
16 March 2015
A Message from Jon Donnis to you
A psychic/medium will tell you that they can communicate with your dead child, your murdered mother, your brother who committed suicide. They will then ask you for money to do so.
Can you think of a psychological crime worse than this?
Don't be taken in by these con-men/con-women. They use known psychological and conjurers tricks to manipulate and confuse you into believing.
Now unless you can watch any magic trick and know instantly how it is done, then you are not qualified to know that a medium is real just because you cant figure out how they did it.
By giving these frauds your money for what is a lie, you are taking part and continuing their crimes.
If you want to talk to a loved lost one, you don't need to pay some charismatic fraud to do it for you.
Whatever your religious beliefs, surely we can all agree that if you want to talk to a loved lost one, just sit alone, close your eyes, bring an image of them to the front of your mind, and just talk to them.
If there is an afterlife, then they will hear you, and if there isn't an afterlife, well your memory of them helps them live on.
True immortality is not floating about on a cloud, it is leaving a foot print in the minds of the people you knew when alive, it is leaving a legacy, your name, things you accomplished, even your DNA in your children, this is the only true immortality.
If you still want to believe in psychics/mediums, then you are fooling yourself, but here is an offer to you, I 100% guarantee you that I can explain exactly how any medium performs their trick, so if you want to know the truth, send me a message, send me a recording of a reading you received which you are certain is genuine, I will show you how they did it.
But whatever you do, don't bury your head in the ground. Grief is a hard part of life, but it is also something you have to take on head first, delaying the grieving process by visiting mediums only accomplishes more pain for you in the long run, and puts money in their pockets.
Can you think of a psychological crime worse than this?
Don't be taken in by these con-men/con-women. They use known psychological and conjurers tricks to manipulate and confuse you into believing.
Now unless you can watch any magic trick and know instantly how it is done, then you are not qualified to know that a medium is real just because you cant figure out how they did it.
By giving these frauds your money for what is a lie, you are taking part and continuing their crimes.
If you want to talk to a loved lost one, you don't need to pay some charismatic fraud to do it for you.
Whatever your religious beliefs, surely we can all agree that if you want to talk to a loved lost one, just sit alone, close your eyes, bring an image of them to the front of your mind, and just talk to them.
If there is an afterlife, then they will hear you, and if there isn't an afterlife, well your memory of them helps them live on.
True immortality is not floating about on a cloud, it is leaving a foot print in the minds of the people you knew when alive, it is leaving a legacy, your name, things you accomplished, even your DNA in your children, this is the only true immortality.
If you still want to believe in psychics/mediums, then you are fooling yourself, but here is an offer to you, I 100% guarantee you that I can explain exactly how any medium performs their trick, so if you want to know the truth, send me a message, send me a recording of a reading you received which you are certain is genuine, I will show you how they did it.
But whatever you do, don't bury your head in the ground. Grief is a hard part of life, but it is also something you have to take on head first, delaying the grieving process by visiting mediums only accomplishes more pain for you in the long run, and puts money in their pockets.