Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
4 June 2015
EXCLUSIVE REVIEW: Most Haunted S02E03 (Annison Funeral Parlour) The one where I rolled my eyes at Karl's acting
Guess who's back, back again Jonny's back, tell a friend.
Yes it's me, it's me, its that J O double N, back once again to review and recap another episode of Most Haunted. This week Scooby and the gang are at the Annison Funeral Parlour. Below is the official blurb for the episode
Thursday 18th June, 10pm
S02E03. Annison Funeral Parlour
Really’s spooky series continues, as for the first time ever, Yvette Fielding and the team visit a funeral parlour and one which is apparently the most haunted place in Hull.
The building is empty now, but not quiet according to visitors, as people have reportedly heard whistling, knocking, and heavy booted footsteps. Yvette has an idea that the team aren’t necessarily going to like… one person must lie on the mortuary slab alone to see what happens – but who will pick the short straw and have to lay lifeless without the rest of the team?
We start off the episode and straight off we get this legend!
Yes he is a local historian, he just ouzes the kind of charisma that you just cant buy! Look at that neckbeard! Imagine the lucky woman who gets to snap up this fascinating man!
Anyway as usual we get our usual history lesson, and Glen "Mike" Hunt, the resident wannabe is on hand to smirk his way through every scene, I wonder if Karl directs him to smirk, or if it is all him.
He does do his best to be skeptical the poor guy, but after him blatantly doing the "ghost whistle" in the last episode, it is hard to take him seriously.
Surely his agent told him that to appear on Most Haunted would be the first step in becoming a proper TV star, and young naive Glen believed him.
Quick reminder that the legendary Mel Crump is no longer on Most Haunted, and is replaced by Leah Walton, again we support Leah, as she is clearly the only genuine member of the whole crew, and probably didn't even want to be on the show, but got shoe horned into appearing by Yvette who was desperate to get rid of the glamourous Mel Crump and needed a replacement she could push around.
Mr Deep Pockets or Fred Batt as some will know him is about again, throwing his money about in the hope he might get recognised one day in the street.
Since they are in a funeral home, I have a feeling we will see Karl or Stuart or both shoved in a coffin for a "vidgual" oh boy that will be so much fun, you can only hope a grave digger is near by and "accidentally" gets the coffins and buries them.
And no quicker than me finishing the previous sentence, and Eammon (no not that one) is invited to lie in a coffin, and they even close the lid on him, what would Ruth think of all of this sillyness!!
Is this not entertaining?
Poor Eammon, literally will do anything to get an extra 30 seconds TV time, even if it is in a coffin, they turn the lights off and leave him in the coffin. They really need to nail it shut, and maybe then we'd never have to listen to him drone on about EVPs the uneducated ignorant fool that he is!
With a bit of standing about, they finally go to rescue Eammon from his coffin, but when they open it, he is mysteriously gone, and all that is left is a rattlesnake!! Only kidding, he is still in the coffin with a big grin on his face.
Finally the filters are put on the cameras to pretend it is night vision, and the investigation starts proper.
Karl is looking quite hefty for a fake Samurai. Glen is stuck with Karl and Stuart now, hands in his pockets and a constant smirk on his face.
Yvette is with Leah and some other bloke who looks ridiculous.
The lads are doing some kind of ridiculous table nonsense, asking for knocks from the ghosties, gotta be careful here that Karl and Stuart don't both tap their feet, to make the knocking sounds, need only one otherwise it gets confusing.
Yvette is with Eammon in the "hub", and they are examining the EVP machine. Did I mention that EVPs are evidentially worthless, and to even waste one second listening to them proves you have no idea what you are doing?
I think Leah is starting to get bored of it all now, and is dreaming of going on her summer holiday to Majorca or somewhere. In Coatwatch, Leah is sporting a nice simple coat, without fur.
It is now Ouija time! Just a note, in 12+ years of doing Ouija Boards on Most Haunted, it has never produced a single credible result, and any time that they put in cheating controls it has showed clearly that Yvette pushes the glass. So of course NO controls whatsoever are used
Aaaahhhh look at Glen and his little smirky face, wishing he could say out loud what we all know.
Yvette and Karl are so blatantly taking turns in pushing the glass, they don't even bother trying to hide it any more. Come on Glen, suggest that everyone is blindfolded, and it will stop working and you will have proven that they are faking it.
The entire Ouija scene is quite mind numbingly boring. At least when Stuart used to take part he would do some proper fakery, like picking up the glass and throwing it, and hoping it wasn't caught on camera, but when it was, he tried to make out he was possessed! Oh the good old days.
Worth saying that my DVD keeps skipping and jumping, it MUST be the ghosts! They have travelled through time and space to my DVD player! This is 100% proof of the paranormal, and therefore I am closing down the site! Oh wait its playing fine now. Site will remain open!
The 3 stooges, Yvette, Karl and Stuart are now off on there own, and something nasty is on its way! No Yvette hasn't farted again, its the spirits! Karl proudly states "I'm not psychic as you know but..." they then start talking about a murderer called Frederick. Karl decides to stand in the coffin, please lie down Karl, and please lets close the lid.
Yay! Karl is never one to miss a trick.
And now Stuart is gonna put the lid on as Karl tells Frederick to do his worse!
All starts to get a bit silly now as Karl panics and jumps out of the coffin claiming he heard a voice say "OUT". Terrible acting.
Karls fake Samurai training has totally deserted him tonight. Glen and Leah join them, and Glen is smirking.
Fred is off on his own to spend some time in the embalming room. Karl and Stuart are off together, and ask the spirits to make some noises. They hear a knock. Whereas Fred on his own is speaking in Latin to the ghosts, who duly ignore him, right until Fred makes a noise followed by saying "what was that" when obviously HE made the noise, As usual the camera never gets anything other than the persons face who is holding it, or a blank wall.
Stuart asks the ghosts to give Karl a slap round the face, sadly and disappointingly the ghost doesn't take up the challenge.
Stuart is out of breath after having a crafty wank off camera, and has to have a puff on his inhaler. Soon after they hear a noise upstairs and rush to see what is going on. And despite there being a sold camera filming, it has caught nothing, Stuart is still knackered after his crafty wank, and now Karl is feeling knackered as well. So they head off to join the others.
But then we get some footage of a chair moving on its own! BLATANTLY being pulled by some fishing wire, seriously no one will think it is real, I genuinely coughed a bit of spit up it is so awful.
Eammon is still listening to EVPs, all very silly and pointless. I imagine noobs and woos the world over loving the EVP sillyness.
Leah has had a very very quiet episode, clearly she cant be bothered any more, either that or Yvette realised that she would probably get popular, so decided to cut out any good bits featuring Leah.
And that's it, the episode is over.
Things to look out for are the ridiculous chair pulling scene, and Karl jumping out of the coffin. Other than that its about 45 minutes of snore time.
That's all from me, and until next time sleep tight and don't let the spiders climb in your ears!
By Jon Donnis
3 June 2015
EXCLUSIVE REVIEW: Most Haunted S02E02 (Tatton Old Hall) - The one where not a lot happens.
Yes I am back with another WORLD EXCLUSIVE Review and Spoilers of Most Haunted, this time we are on episode 2 of the new season at Tatton Old Hall.
Before I get started I wanted to address a few people who moan about my grammar in these pieces. This is just my site, I write as I feel, and I make no money from doing this. I have limited time to do anything these days, so instead of concentrating on the odd typo or grammatically incorrect sentence, just try and enjoy my reviews for what they are. The world is already full of pedants, don't be a twat and moan about stupid stuff. That's my job! :D
Here is the official blurb for the episode.
Thursday 11th June, 10pm
S2E2/10. Tatton Old Hall
Really’s terrifying series continues as Yvette Fielding and the team return to the Old Hall at Tatton Park in Cheshire, a location notorious for the unexplainable events that occur there.
Built in the 15th Century the house’s previous residents and visitors claim to have experienced a frightening strangling sensation or to have heard a guttural growling noise in their ears. From the ghostly tales there appear to be two eerie presences at the hall, the first is an unknown woman who has allegedly been seen on many occasions, and most alarmingly, a ghost called Tom, who has a dark reputation. Can they finally uncover the identities of these two figures?
As I mentioned in my review of episode 1, Mel Crump is gone, and her replacement is Leah Walton. I want to say again here at BadPsychics we support Leah and we encourage all of the BadPsychics readers to do so as well. She is the only genuine person on the show, who isn't in it for the fame and she is paid less than anyone else. So if you see anyone out there giving her grief on social media, stick up for her, remember we like to stick up for the underdog here, and no one likes a bully.
On to the episode and we start off with the usual history lessons and so on, I prefer to skip past this bit, as really doesn't interest me.
Skeptic and wannabe TV star Glen Hunt starts off talking with Yvette, and is trying to dispel Yvette's fears about the hall. Yvette has investigated Tatton Old Hall 4 times in the past, ad Glen tells her to forget everything she has done before, has that can influence her.
Glen does give some good advice to his credit, but his smirk is so annoying, that and the fact we all know he is being directed by Karl, kinda makes his whole spot on the show and utter waste of time.
Eammon Van-Harris is back with his EVP nonsense. We also have Mr Moneybags Fred Batt mooching about too.
As they are just talking, off camera right near where Karl is stood there is suddenly a noise. Instantly Glen has a look on his face of "seriously guys stop taking the piss".
Karl waits for everyone to look away and then does it again. Poor Glen he wants to be a TV star and he is forced to put up with this nonsense.
Here is a quote from Glen "It always seems to happen just as I am not looking"!
Yep there is a reason for that Glen. I wonder how long he will last on the show, as surely he gonna admit the show is faked on his radio show or something.
Yvette now starts talking to the ghosties, who reply to her questions with knocks. I wonder where Karl and Stuart are at this point? Glen still cant stop smirking, he knows what's going on, but cant really accuse anyone cause he has to protect his pay check, and that is the biggest problem with having any skeptic on the crew.
It seems apparent very quickly that things will keep being thrown off camera, usually right near where Karl is stood. Of course no video footage, nothing! This is why people hate Most Haunted so much, cause the fakery is so obvious.
No sign of Leah Walton yet and we are 16 minutes in.
Over to Eammon and his ridiculous and utterly pointless EVP machinery, and surprise surprise he already has some ghostly sounds, of course all are easily explainable by anyone with half a brain, but of course the random noises are met with amazement and so on.
We finally get the investigation started proper, green filters added to cameras to make it seem darker than it is, and we finally get the addition of Leah.
"Sssshhh what was that"
You know I really hate it when Yvette says that.
It has also become clear that Leah has her own catchphrase of "f*ck me", it does get bleeped out though.
Poor Leah is terrified as usual. Yvette obviously loving the fact she has Leah there to wind up and make look foolish.
And we now get a ridiculous minute of Yvette and Leah running about outside in the dark, scared of the ghosties and the noises that the EVP machine makes. The only thing moving back faster than Yvette and Leah is Karls hairline! So with them running about like children, we cross to Karl with his declining hairline, and he is talking to himself in the dark.
Did you know he once pretended to be a Samurai! Yes really! Then all these Samurai experts called him a fraud and exposed him. Google it if you want a laugh, it is all quite funny. Of course this was before his Most Haunted days.
We've not seen Stuart yet strangely. I hope he does get featured at some point as not the same without him throwing stones about.
There is actually a moment here whereby Karl switches the light off on his camera when he wants to film himself, then needs to turn it off again when he films elsewhere, but claims it is the infrared is is switching on, yet clearly there are shadows, and they are really just using filters!
If you believe for one moment that it is genuinely dark, just remember we live in a health and safety industry, no one they would be allowed or get insurance to wonder about in truly dark conditions!
Wow this episode is boring, although Stuart has now appeared so hopefully he will throw out some tears again, fall over or so something interesting.
Everyone is in a room, and Yvette hears a whistle, yet on the replay I swear it looks like Glen did it, watch it if you can closely.
Then a spoon gets thrown in a hark back to the glass spoon throwing incident of the past (that was also Karl)
As usual no video of the spoon or any cutlery from start to end is shown.
So they decide to start throwing cutlery down a hall way and ask the ghosts to throw it back, when this doesn't work, back to whistling at the ghosts. Again nothing happens, so they split up to do separate investigations.
Blimey this episode is hard to watch, so tedious.
Stuart on his own in a room, and clearly throwing stuff around. Sometimes less is more Stuart you really need to learn that!
Some more sillyness with the EVP machine, usual audio pareidolia whereby someone says what they thing it sounds like, and then you feel like you can hear the same words, but even then its a real stretch. Basically they just seem to get a lot of screeching background noise, if that impresses anyone, then I really think you need your head examined.
Towards the end of the episode a chair seemingly falls, although as usual you don't see it on camera, and only Stuart is there, why wouldn't they just put say 20 stationary cameras all around the location? Instead they just carry hand held cameras and film themselves most of the time.
Surely the whole Blair Witch style of filming is a bit old now people!
Either way the episode finishes, with nothing of interest caught on camera, and a complete waste of 46 minutes of my time.
I'm off to the pub, I need a beer after that!
Worst episode in a while!
By Jon Donnis
29 April 2015
Disneyland Ghost Debunked
First of all lets take a look at the original video posted on youtube a while back.
This video has received over 12 million views!
Now what could it be? Is it a ghost?
Well no, anyone with half a brain could tell you it is not a ghost, but then most believers and advocates of videos like this could only dream of having half a brain.
So who better to debunk this video than everyones favourite Debunker. Captain Disillusion!
So there you have it, clearly not a ghost.
Now please stop believing in video like this and grown up.
Remember there is no such thing as ghosts!
25 April 2015
The Scole Experiment Hoax - The Afterlife Experiments - Evidence Of The Afterlife?
The Scole Experiments Hoax - The Afterlife Experiments - Evidence Of The Afterlife?
Article I used as a guide to the sceptics response to the experiments.
I never said I was original, but the article checks out with other sources.
By Robert W. Lester
Relating links from mixed sources, witness account say something happened, the sceptical ones say no.
24 April 2015
Exposing Stephen Holbrook
We have exposed Stephen Holbrook and his methods before on BadPsychics, you can read that at http://www.badpsychics.com/2012/12/stephen-holbrook-evening-of-clairvoyance.html
But incase anyone hasn't seen this BBC show Inside Out, a few years ago exposed Stephen Holbrook too. Here is a copy of that excellent piece!