Welcome to BadPsychics, your trusted resource for uncovering the truth behind fake psychics and debunking supernatural claims. We are committed to promoting skepticism and critical thinking, providing you with clear and factual information about the paranormal and pseudoscientific practices. At BadPsychics, we celebrate the power of science and rational inquiry. Our mission is to expose fraudulent psychics and unverified supernatural phenomena, empowering you with knowledge.
4 February 2014
Psychic Fraud News 2014 S02E01 - Psychic News And Reporting And Hearsay
The Return Of Psychic Fraud News For 2014, Continuing My Series, For A New Season, On Psychics, Healers, Ghost Hunters, and Cult Leaders.
1 February 2014
Bad Alternative Medicine - new age medicine, essences, quack cures, natural cures ???
Bad Alternative Medicine - stuff that promises cure or at least help and does very little or nothing.
26 January 2014
13 January 2014
Nancy Marks, Florida 'Psychic,' Sentenced To Prison And Fined $2.2 Million
"A South Florida "psychic" who told clients that she could influence everything from terminal cancer to the fate of frozen sperm, was sentenced to federal prison Monday and ordered to repay more than $2.2 million to her victims.
Nancy Demetro Marks, 44, of Fort Lauderdale, must begin serving her prison term of three years and nine months by Feb. 14. She pleaded guilty last year to her considerable role in a massive psychic fraud conspiracy led by her mother-in-law, Rose Marks."
Source: sun-sentinel.com - January 13, 2014
6 January 2014
I Doubt That - The Media Guide to Skepticism
A workshop presented by Sharon Hill.
The common notion about being a "skeptic" is that you hold a generally questioning attitude or have a dubious opinion on a certain topic. At the extreme, terms like "climate skeptic" or "truther" express distrust and denial of scientific conclusions. Scientific skepticism, however, is an approach that emphasizes evaluating claims based on evidence. The process of skepticism is of great value to society to lessen the potential of believing or investing in something that isn't all it appears to be, which may have social, financial or even tragic consequences.
This presentation will provide a look into organized skepticism -- what it is, what it means to be a skeptic, what skepticism isn't, and why it's important for everyone to know how to apply it in a world overloaded with questionable information. Come visit with some friendly neighborhood skeptics who can help you sort through the nonsense and critically evaluate some extraordinary claims. Find out the difference between merely saying "I'm skeptical" and REALLY applying skepticism.
The common notion about being a "skeptic" is that you hold a generally questioning attitude or have a dubious opinion on a certain topic. At the extreme, terms like "climate skeptic" or "truther" express distrust and denial of scientific conclusions. Scientific skepticism, however, is an approach that emphasizes evaluating claims based on evidence. The process of skepticism is of great value to society to lessen the potential of believing or investing in something that isn't all it appears to be, which may have social, financial or even tragic consequences.
This presentation will provide a look into organized skepticism -- what it is, what it means to be a skeptic, what skepticism isn't, and why it's important for everyone to know how to apply it in a world overloaded with questionable information. Come visit with some friendly neighborhood skeptics who can help you sort through the nonsense and critically evaluate some extraordinary claims. Find out the difference between merely saying "I'm skeptical" and REALLY applying skepticism.